Why Chiropractic?
Chiropractic care focuses on creating balance in the spine to maintain the health of the spine and nervous system, which is the “control center” for the body. Basic Chiropractic philosophy states that when your central nervous system is in good working order, all systems work together to maintain optimal health.
When there is imbalance, problems arise which include pain, dysfunction and decreased range of motion in different areas of the body. Regular Chiropractic care helps your body rebalance and restore normal function. Our goal is to get you back to your normal as quickly as possible!
Our Mission, Vision, and Values
Vision– Servant leaders
Mission– Unreasonable generosity
Values– 3-word images that define our culture.
Washing feet– ultimate act of service-comes from Jesus washing the feet of the 12 disciples-this is not about us.
Hedgehog– the hedgehog knows he is a hedgehog and not a fox from Good to Great. What drives our economic engine? What are we passionate about? What can we be best in the world at?
Bee Hive– hard working, defined roles, team players, community, loving, serve each other, produces honey…..What’s your honey?
We Believe Statements
We believe statements are traits and characteristics of how we do business day to day. These statements are observable to each customer as they engage with our business and brand.
- Your time is valuable.
- Fresh flowers and fresh air.
- Same day appointments
- Never too busy for one more.
- Insurance benefits should not be a secret.
- Please, thank you and you are welcome.
- Getting right, not being right.
- In family and invite you to be a part of ours.
- Life is fun.
- You deserve results.